We Want your Opinion Please! (Takes Less than 2 Minutes)
We need your help. We are editing The Seeds of Vandana Shiva and we’d like to ask you to take a short survey. It’s...
Looking Forward (But First a Look Back)
Last year in India we filmed several intense planning sessions between Vandana Shiva and key members of the food...
At the Historic Monsanto Tribunal
Over the past year The Seeds of Vandana Shiva project has evolved in numerous exciting ways and we are eager to tell...
Soil Not Oil at The Farmer & The Cook
“Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of...
Vandana Shiva in Ojai #EarthDay2016
Vandana Shiva will be in Ojai next week to headline our annual Earth Day at Oak Grove School! If you are in the area,...
Degeneration, Regeneration & COP21
We arrived to a Paris locked down and traumatized by the November 13 terror attacks. Tear gas still in the air from an...
On Our Way to COP21
We’re zipping our bags and heading for Paris. This trip we will be filming Vandana and others during various events at...
Return from India on World Food Day
We have returned from our trip to India and are sorting through what we filmed. We’re excited to do so, but first we...
You Are the Best #Kickstarter
We want to thank EVERYONE who donated to our Summer 2015 Fundraising campaign. Not everyone supported this...
We made our goal! What’s next?
WITH YOUR SUPPORT WE MADE OUR GOAL. Yes! We leave for India on Sunday, where we will begin by interviewing Vandana’s...
Look at who stepped up in support of this film!
By the time you read this, we will be on the road to Northern California, where we’ll be attending two big events in...
Watch this: Here’s our Promo Reel!
What a busy few months it has been. We received a generous grant to edit THE SEEDS OF VANDANA SHIVA from the Logan...